Chas is now an entity in World Of Warcraft. He is currently a level 19 Human Warrior. This means his user, when not at work, is plastered in front of the computer guiding Chas through the world of Azeroth, running, chatting, buying, fishing, mining, blacksmithing, making bandages and fighting. Mainly running. It is a big world, after all.
Chas' first MMORPG. Dear Christ, it is addictive.
Still, one of the benefits of not having a life is the time available to live a virtual life. In fact, any remnants of a life I still have are in the process of being eliminated.
But good riddance to it. I have had enough of having "a life". My liver can't take it anymore. I have tasted most of life's riches; I have travelled both physically and mentally, I have discovered spirituality, eaten fine food, laughed with good friends, loved and lost. Hell, I even jumped out of a perfectly good aeroplane on Sunday at 14,000 feet. Unfortunately, there was this weirdo strapped to my back who saved my life with a parachute. So, adieu "having a life". Time to strap on the Metallica t-shirt, turn the lights off, crank up the pot noodle and settle in to computer geekdom. L33t.
The blog may stay, though. It might be useful to chronicle the exploits of Chas in this new realm.
The Seer saw it coming.
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