Friday, July 01, 2005

Fafblog, now with more bogflaf

As always, Fafblog makes me laugh. I laugh so hard, milk comes out my nose. Except, I don't drink milk as I am lactose intolerant. A lactose bigot, you might say. I am lactosist. Nerf lactose. Nerf Chinese lacotse farmers. So coffee comes out my nose instead. Black coffee, with two sugars. This caused an expresso machine to come out my nose. So, I made a coffee with it and drank the coffee with heady anticipation of the next Fafblogism.

Q: So what's the plan?
A: The plan is to stick with the plan! If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Q: Why do we need the plan?
A: To stop terrorists like Saddam bin Laden from building another World Trade Center in Iraq - just so they can blow it up again.
Q: That would be horrible! How is the plan stopping them?
A: The plan is the central front in the war against terror! We invaded Iraq to get Iraqis to fight us in Iraq so they wouldn't fight us at home.
Q: The plan has cleverly lured them to where they already were, only in terrorist form!
A: Now you're catchin on!
Q: Hey, I know! We should invade like a small cardboard box. When all the terrorists attack there, we'll jump out of the way, tape up the box, and throw it in the ocean! No more terrorists!
A: Hey! No peeking ahead at the plan!

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