It may have been Gonzo the Magic Frog who once told The Seer during a bog-based meditation session that the biggest problem with being left wing is that politics is a system based on fighting. To convince voters you have what it takes, you need to be ruthless, uncompassionate and willing to trounce others under your foot like so much cat vomit. These are good, solid right wing virtues. You can't win in politics by being fair, compassionate and full of sharing. It may have been Pongo, the vigilant penguin. The Seer doesn't remember. The Seer sees forward, not back. But anyway, at that insight, The Seer gave up all reality-based, left-wing behaviour and joined the Light on the Right. The compassion, fairness and sharing wasn't working for The Seer, anyway.
Which is why The Seer is hopeful of converting Chas to the Light one day. He's all Monky calmness and compassion and help othersey and doesn't do anything the help himself and make himself rich and powerful. The Seer tells Chas that unless he gets with the program and starts thinking of himself above all others, the oncoming apocalypse will crush him under foot. Wanko, the right-god of Hand, tells The Seer that the cleansing of the unjust is upon us. The Seer tells Chas that all Us-Thinking will be expunged from this realm leaving only the Purity of Me. The I. The One.
Chas tells The Seer to fuck off out of the bathroom 'cause he has to go.
Still not sure who the Seer is - shows how careful a reader I am - but anyway, these comments come to mind:
- Re: left-wing politics=niceness and generosity. What's so generous about taking lots of money away from people who've earned it?
- And what's so good about shoving that money at random bureaucratic institutions in the hope that it will do good?
- And if it is supposed to do good, then how come now, after years of this sort of policy, there is still unemployment, poverty, poor education, ill health, bla bla bla bla bla?
- Isn't it better to let people who've earned the money spend it themselves? And isn't it true that in many cases, they will choose to spend it on charitable causes anyway?
- All these things being considered, isn't the idea that 'right-wingers' are nasty and mean and cruel just another silly partisan cliche, designed to distract thought and attention away from the real issues?
Or maybe your response was better; maybe I should just tell him to fuck off...
Hmmm, looks like that last line could be read as an insult. Not intended that way. Anyway, as you can see, my politics are by no means left-wing, although I did vote Labor...
Come on Tim, paupers like you and I can really benefit from robbing the rich! They've got enough to go round! Anyway, who says they earned it? Loads of them are just cluey about avoiding taxes, and sell the right drugs and pay off the right people...
The Seer wishes he could explain who The Seer was but cannot as The Seer can only explain who The Seer will be. The Seer agrees with all that The TimT says. Were The Seer not a figment of a figment's imagination, The Seer would earn all the money in the world and take all the power. The Seer tells Chas constantly to stop using his skills for the good of all as it is simply an acknowledgement of Chas' impotency and unwillingness to take all that he can. The Seer reminds Chas of the allegory of The Sheep and The Shepherd. The sheep live in a hippy commune of togetherness, sharing the grass and The One Bull fairly. The shepherd uses the sheep for wool and meat to make money and eat and goes home and sleeps with Mrs Shepherd. He also laughs at The One Bull.
Chas rolls his eyes and goes back to eating the grass.
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