I think Neo already said this, but do you ever feel like you are in a dream? Ever since I had a nasty glandular fever 4 years ago that lasted 2 weeks when it should have lasted 6, whenever I get a sore throat I wonder if I am still in a fever induced delusion. Maybe it's still 2000, maybe I have the Olympics to look forward to again. Maybe S-11 and Iraq never happened. Maybe I won't have loved and lost. Maybe I am not writing this.
Of course, reality is too mundane to be a dream. My dreams are very rarely mundane. Of course WHEN I READ SHIT LIKE THIS, I can only assume it IS all a bad dream. I wrote a post ages ago (and now can't be bothered finding it for the all too convenient link) lamenting that some scientists seem hell bent on making a mistake that will wipe out humanity. That time they were trying to mutate a monkey virus so that it would kill humans, to see how long it would take. This time, they are resurrecting the 1918 flu that killed 40 million people (YES, 40 MILLION!!!!) and injecting it into monkeys. I've got a better idea. Let's bring back dinosaurs using blood from biting insects trapped in amber. Or better yet, let's design some nano-machines that break down any matter around them and reform it into nano-machines that break down any matter around them and reform it into nano-machines that....OR, I know, an orbiting laser that can kill people based on sophisticated detection software that can be programmed using wildcards like "*yokel ENTER" or "*hick ENTER" or "*metrosexual ENTER" or "*scientists ENTER" or "* , huh, what was that, yep, I'll do that in a second, now where was I, um, I'll just clear the screen using this ENTER key here ENTER"...Ack.
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